The Stottmann Family

Dustin (Pastor), Sara, Ellie and Sadie Stottmann
The Stottmann family moved to West Jordan Utah in July 2020 to start the work of planting HopeValley Church. Their desire is to see God build His church here on the west side of the valley. They are praying that through HopeValley many will come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Dustin and Sara have two daughters, Ellie Grace (born 2010) and Sadie Kate (born 2013). Dustin has a Masters of Theological Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Bachelors of Applied Ministry from Oklahoma Baptist Univeristy.
Vision & Values
Our vision is to see Jesus transform lives and neighborhoods in the Western Salt Lake Valley for the Glory of God.
We have four core values that will guide everything we do:
– Center on the Bible. –
– Live as family. –
– Be a blessing. –
– Multiply everything. –
What We Do
Gathering – Sundays @ 10:30am
Our Sunday worship gathering is a time where we gather together to sing praise to God and hear the Bible taught. Everything we do in our worship gatherings will be centered on the Bible. Everyone is welcome and invited to join us on Sundays.
HopeGroups – 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month
HopeGroups are small groups that live the Christian life together. They will gather regularly in homes to share a meal, study the Bible, pray, and fellowship. Our first group just launched in West Jordan, meeting at the Stottmann home, 7128 W Farnsworth Peak Dr.